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Low-pollution production of polyester microfiber fabrics

Polyester microfiber fabrics occupy an important position in the textile industry due to their unique physical properties and wide application fields. With the improvement of environmental awareness and the requirement of sustainable development, how to achieve low-pollution production of polyester microfiber fabrics has become an urgent problem to be solved.

1. Optimization of production process

1. Improvement of spinning process

The spinning process of polyester microfiber fabrics is a key link in the production process. Traditional spinning processes may produce certain pollution, such as waste gas, wastewater and solid waste. In order to reduce pollution, the spinning process needs to be continuously optimized. For example, the use of advanced spinning equipment and technologies, such as melt direct spinning technology, can reduce energy consumption and emissions during the spinning process. In addition, by precisely controlling spinning parameters such as temperature, pressure, speed, etc., the stability of fiber quality can be ensured, while reducing the generation of defective and waste products.

2. Environmental protection of post-processing process
The post-processing process includes steps such as stretching, heat setting, and dyeing, which may also produce certain pollution. In order to achieve low-pollution production, the post-processing process needs to use environmentally friendly chemicals and process methods. For example, the use of environmentally friendly dyes and auxiliaries for dyeing can reduce the emission of harmful substances. At the same time, optimizing the dyeing process, such as using low bath ratios and short processes, can also reduce energy consumption and emissions.

2. Selection and substitution of raw materials

1. Use of environmentally friendly raw materials

In the production of polyester microfiber fabrics, the selection of raw materials has an important impact on the environmental performance of the product. In order to reduce pollution during the production process, environmentally friendly polyester raw materials should be given priority. For example, using recycled polyester bottle flakes as raw materials can not only reduce the generation of plastic waste, but also reduce production costs. In addition, the use of new environmentally friendly raw materials such as bio-based polyester can be explored to achieve more sustainable production.

2. Replacement of catalysts

In the synthesis process of polyester, the use of catalysts is inevitable. However, traditional antimony catalysts may cause pollution to the environment. In order to reduce pollution, the use of environmentally friendly catalysts can be explored to replace antimony catalysts. For example, Hengyi Group has achieved the industrial production of antimony-free environmentally friendly polyester melt-spun filaments, using a full titanium composite catalyst system to replace heavy metal antimony catalysts, solving the pollution problem caused by heavy metal antimony precipitation from the source.

3. Application of environmental protection technology
1. Wastewater treatment technology
A certain amount of wastewater will be generated during the production process of polyester microfibers. In order to achieve low-pollution production, advanced wastewater treatment technology is needed to treat the wastewater. For example, by using technologies such as biological treatment and membrane treatment, harmful substances in wastewater can be removed or reduced to below the emission standard, so as to achieve recycling or safe discharge of wastewater.

2. Waste gas treatment technology
Process steps such as spinning and heat treatment may generate waste gas. In order to reduce waste gas pollution, effective waste gas treatment technology is needed. For example, by installing a waste gas collection and treatment system, harmful substances in waste gas can be absorbed, converted or incinerated to reduce pollution to the environment.

The low-pollution production of polyester microfiber fabrics needs to start from multiple aspects such as production process, raw material selection, and environmental protection technology. By continuously optimizing the production process, selecting environmentally friendly raw materials and catalysts, and applying advanced environmental protection technologies, pollution emissions in the production process can be reduced, and the sustainable development of polyester microfiber fabrics can be achieved. In the future, with the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of environmental awareness, the low-pollution production of polyester microfiber fabrics will receive more widespread attention and application.