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Pongee fabrics are a type of lightweight, durable fabric

Pongee fabrics are a type of lightweight, durable fabric that is used in a variety of different applications. They are made of silk and can be dyed in a variety of colors. They can also be printed with different designs or embroidered to add embellishment to the fabric. In addition, pongee is a very breathable fabric, which makes it suitable for use in clothing and outdoor gear. The fabric is also extremely versatile and can be used for both casual and formal apparel.
Pongee lining fabric is a medium-weight woven material that is characterized by an irregular filling and a fine warp. It is typically made of wild-silk, but it can also be woven from sustainable polyester. The fabric is incredibly durable and long-lasting, making it ideal for lining garments and other textiles. It is also fully washable, which makes it an excellent alternative to acetate and other heavier-weight cellular linings.
Originally, pongee was woven by hand for individual usage by Amami Islanders of China, but in 1870 it was put up on sale in the common market and rapidly came to be very popular. It additionally gained popularity throughout the introduction of the mud-dyeing technique in 1895. This procedure significantly improved the quality of pongee, making it a more appealing choice for cellular linings.
Full-stretch pongee is an outstanding fabric for apparel lining, autumn casual jackets, and children’s wear. This fabric is available in a wide range of colors and textures, making it easy to find the perfect match for any outfit or occasion. Additionally, this fabric is highly breathable and water-resistant.
Another great type of pongee is matting pongee, which is a light and completely naturally colored fabric that includes plain weave with a subbed appearance. It is very durable and is considered the best alternative to acetate and other heavy-weight linings. It can be used to make a variety of different types of clothes and garments, including suits, coats, dresses, and blouses.
Matting pongee is an outstanding fabric for garment lining, autumn casual jackets, and other casual wear. It is very durable and has a beautiful sheen. It is also water-resistant and takes print very well. In addition, it is very affordable and can be found in a large number of colors and textures.
There are several pongee fabric manufacturers, but choosing a reputable one is vital. The reputed ones will always offer the best quality products for their clients. They will also offer discounts and other benefits to their customers. So, if you’re looking for the best deals on high-quality pongee fabric, be sure to check out their website.